The Pros and Cons of Working in the Kitchen at Paulus Orchards
No this isn’t the kitchen … it’s the cow train, but keep reading and it will make sense. I promise.
This past Wednesday, I was working on a project and I got a text from my kitchen manager. “Have you seen the list in the kitchen? Apparently some of the staff decided to make a list of the pros and cons of working in the kitchen.”
OK, put yourself in my place. What’s your first thought? I immediately dropped what I was doing and made a beeline to the kitchen. As I approached I could see a list carefully taped on the glass window opposite a menu item — opposite a menu item so customers couldn’t see the list. It had multiple types of handwriting so quite a few people were adding to it. Oh boy. I was nervous.
Would you read the pro or con list first? I went straight to the con.
Here are just 5 of the cons, with the last being my personal favorite:
- When there’s no customers.
- When someone orders 2 scoops of ice cream in a cone. (Note: our scoops are big)
- When you’re working by yourself and wish you had someone to talk to.
- Spending the money you just made on food you want to buy.
- When one of the Pauluses orders something and you’re all of a sudden paranoid that everything you’re doing is wrong.
Having a good laugh is the best. It really makes a big impact in your day. OK, I can live with these cons. Not one of them was “bad.” I felt much better.
Here are 5 of the pros, again the last being my personal favorite:
- Little kids who are excited to ask for their own orders.
- Nice customers.
- When there’s a new ice cream flavor.
- There’s air-conditioning (Note: the rest of our staff don’t get this luxury!)
- Those days in the fall when you get scheduled to drive kids around in the cow train instead of having a nervous breakdown in the kitchen.
I hope this made you chuckle too. If you’ve been to the farm on a fall weekend it can get a little crazy so you might be able to understand how driving the cow train sounds like a great idea! Ha! I don’t know who started the list, or who has since added to it, but I left the list on the window. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – I really love our staff.