Join the Team!

Fun is important! Our team works hard and plays hard. We’re definitely a farm family.

If you click on the image above you’ll see a short clip of a few of our younger members making a video for our Name of the Day Facebook Posts. (Each day a new name is picked for free ice cream!)

We’re looking to add to our farm family – don’t worry, singing isn’t a requirement, nor is jumping, haha…but a willingness to work hard and have fun is! And we were voted “Simply the Best Place to Work“, “Simply the Best for Customer Values“, and “Simply the Best Family Owned Business – West” in 2024!

We’re looking for:
  • Store Cashiers
  • Produce Display
  • Group Tour Leaders (Farm Educators – we train you)
  • Tractor Drivers for Wagon Rides
  • Corn Maze Guides
  • U-pick Cashiers
  • Kitchen Assistants

Minimum age is 14; several positions must be 18 or older. Most require weekends in September and October (tour leaders are weekdays, tractor drivers are weekday and/or weekends).

All staff are provided with a T-shirt, have free admission to our admission area and the corn maze on non-work hours (plus immediate family members of staff also get free admission!), receive an employee discount, treated to an end of season party, are paid a competitive wage, and have paid training.

Are you a “Go-Getter?” We actually prefer to say….a “Day-Maker” but I haven’t found that on a Coke can yet. Ha! Come join our team and YOU can be a Day-Maker by providing a young child a scoop of ice cream or high-fiving a guest as they make their way through the corn maze, or giving our guests a tour of the farm….there’s endless opportunities!

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