“It is far better to give than receive.”
Several years ago, we asked our farm friends (that’s you!) to tell us about someone that needed some encouragement. We chose several of these people and delivered a bag of apples with an encouraging word and let them know who nominated them for the gift. I anticipated the receiver would be happy that a loved one nominated them. What I didn’t realize, was just how blessed I would feel to be a part of it.
It’s been several years since we did that, but I was reminded this week that giving is more rewarding than receiving. My son, Matt, has been out of town for almost 2 months doing some training with Bonefish Restaurant. He has gotten to know some of the hotel staff, including a young, single mom. She is worried about how she’s going to buy her son Christmas gifts as most of her money goes to necessities. A power wheels jeep is at the top of her son’s list. Of every toy my three children ever received, my son’s own power wheels jeep was the most loved and most played with toy. That jeep was driven for hours and hours and hours so this touched Matt’s heart.
Matt called me this week and asked, “Mom, do you think it would be crazy of me to buy the jeep for her to give to her son?” Matt has always loved cars. Still does. I’m touched by his heart. Well done Matt. Yes, it’s a little crazy but oh how I love your heart. Thank you for this reminder that to give is far better than to receive. This time, I will follow your lead. I want to give back to people who need a smile and a word of encouragement.
Who is that someone in your life that you are thankful for who may also need some encouragement right now? Have someone in mind? This is what you need to do:
- Email me (karen@paulusorchards.com) with the subject “Giving Thanks”
- In the email let us know why or how this person is an encouragement to others and why this person could use some encouragement back
- Provide the person’s zip code (If chosen we will email you back to request the full address)
- Send your email by Thanksgiving Eve (November 21st). Then on Thanksgiving Day my family will pour through the letters to try to narrow it down. We’ll pick 5 local people that I can drive to and drop off the apples and 2 people that are a bit further but we can cover the shipping costs to ship the apples.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!